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We do our best to ship orders placed before 10 a.m.(CST) the same day(Monday-Friday). Orders are served on a first come, first ship basis provided the items are in stock and "Hold for Substitutes" has not been selected during checkout.
We offer convenient shipping methods for delivery within the United States. Orders placed after 10 a.m. will be shipped the next business day. During the checkout process, you will have the opportunity to choose between delivery methods and view the actual shipping charge for your order. Orders are served on a first come, first ship basis provided the items are in stock. *If you select "hold and contact for substitutes" during checkout, we will call & e-mail you regarding out of stock or unavailable items. Your order will not be shipped until we hear back. If you choose UPS Shipping - they DO NOT deliver to P.O. Boxes. Saturday delivery is extra. For ALL orders we will be validating shipping and billing information. Some deliveries may require signature. We are neither responsible for the failure of the carrier to demand this, nor can we request that they do not. Customers are responsible for facilitating proper delivery by carrier. Shipping & Handling is not refundable on refused or undeliverable shipments. Why do you not offer free shipping with larger orders? Free shipping is a fine concept, but Delight wants to stress that it comes at a price if a company decides to offer it as an incentive. The "price" of freight has to come from somewhere - and that usually means higher prices on what you are buying. Delight would rather charge the actual shipping cost and keep our product prices fair for both our small and large customers.
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CHOKING HAZARD: Products featured on this website are NOT TOYS and are NOT INTENDED for children 14 years of age and younger. "tlf" indicates the charm's pewter meets the CPISA lead standards. It does not describe Swarovski Crystal lead content. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.